About Grabhasanskar

According to garbhsnskar (research also), your baby is able to sense and respond to outside influence like music and other sound as well as your thoughts and feeling. That why elders in family, talk about the importance of staying positive and relax during pregnancy. शेतकरी जसा पेरणी करण्यापूर्वी जमीन नांगरुन भुसभूसित करतो, त्याच प्रमाणे गर्भाशयाचा अंत:स्तर (endometrium) चांगला निर्माण व्हावा , जेणे करून बीज (fertilized ovum) चांगल्या पद्धति ने रुजेल.(implant). चांगले बी आणून शेतकरी ते परतो त्यालाही माहित असते की ख़राब किवा कीडके बी उगवणार नाही , त्याचप्रमाणे शुद्ध आर्तव ( ovum) आणि शुद्ध शुक्र (good quality semen) निर्माण करणे याचाहीअंतर्भाव या संस्कारा मधे होतो.

How does it work?

Garbhsnskar helps a mother to remain in the best possible frame of mind in the interest of her growing baby, Garbha sanskar suggests a set of practices and way of life.

This includes reading or seeing things that make you happy, communicating with your baby, performing spiritual activities like pujas, meditating and eating healthily, visualization, stimulation of chakra.

You may have seen a pregnant mother caressing or talking to her baby bump and perhaps even found it strange. She may well be practising Garbha sanskar.

Benefits & Objectives

Benefits - It insures safe pregnancy & enjoying motherhood. If couple comes to us while planning with problems like infertility, impotency, genetic disease in previous baby, PCOD, fibroid, obesity, hypothyroidism, diabetes, high blood pressure, etc, we treat them through our highly effective treatment techniques.

Objective - To create a healthy, good looking, brilliant, cultured, peace loving and free from hereditary disorders progeny for the future.